2024 Block 2 Online: Miss Susan Cooper (R. Cooper)
Weds 28th February – Weds 27th March
with Stewart Hardy
Week 5 (Weds 27th March)
Miss Susan Cooper – no new videos
You might like to use this time to do some more work on Building Speed using the Passagework Method and other ideas from the previous video, or try adding in more of the bowing suggestions or ornaments from Week 3.
Week 4 (Weds 20th March)
Miss Susan Cooper
Miss Susan Cooper – Video Tutorials
Week 3 (Weds 13th March)
Miss Susan Cooper – Video Tutorials
Week 2 (Weds 6th March)
Miss Susan Cooper – Video Tutorials
Week 1 (Weds 28th Feb)
Miss Susan Cooper (Ronnie Cooper) – with Stewart
Audio files
Zip File of all pdfs and audio files for download
Miss Susan Cooper – Video Tutorials
There is a sheet of NEFS Video Tips with extra keyboard shortcuts for navigating in YouTube videos.