Level 2: 2020 Block 1

Week 5 (Weds 12th February):

Level 2 Technique with Stewart

No new files


Level 2 Style with Melissa

200212-NEFS_L2_Style_Melissa (zip)

For The Young (Octave Lower) (pdf)
For The Young (Octave Lower) (mp3)

Here’s an example of unison playing in Irish music which uses the subtle differences of each fiddler for interest, rather than heavy arrangement (also splits into octave playing at 2 mins 35 secs):   https://youtu.be/8aVURpF3V2I

Week 4 (Weds 5th February):

Level 2 Technique with Stewart

200205-NEFS_L2_Tech_Stewart zip

200205-Level2a_Technique (pdf)
01-PentatonicDoubling (mp3)
02-PentatonicDoubling2 (mp3)
03-PentatonicRhythmicScale1 (mp3)
04-PentatonicRhythmicScale2 (mp3)
05-LazyBowing1a (mp3)
06-LazyBowing1b (mp3)
07-LazyBowing1c (mp3)
08-LazyBowing2a (mp3)
09-LazyBowing2b (mp3)
10-LazyBowing2c (mp3)
11-LazyBowing2d (mp3)
12-LazyBowing2d_fast (mp3)
13-PentatonicDoubling1b-PassageWork (mp3)
14-PentatonicDoubling1b-PassageWork2 (mp3)


Level 2 Style with Melissa

For the Young Worksheet (pdf)


Week 3 (Weds 29th January):

Level 2 Technique with Stewart

200129-NEFS_L2_Tech_Stewart zip

200122-Level2a_Technique (pdf) (The sheet is dated 22nd Jan, but was taught on 29th Jan)
01-GappedScalicExercise1 (mp3)
02-GappedScalicExercise2 (mp3)
03-GappedScalicExercise3 (mp3)
04-GappedScalicExercise4 (mp3)
05-MotifExercise_SeparateBows (mp3)
06-MotifExercise_Slurred (mp3)


Level 2 Style with Melissa

200129-NEFS_L2_Style_Melissa zip

Relative Minors (pdf)
Ballydesmond No. 2 – D Minor (mp3)
Glen Cottage – A Minor (mp3)


Week 2 (Weds 22nd January):

Level 2 Technique with Stewart

No new files (see below!)

Level 2 Style with Melissa

200122-NEFS_L2_Style_Melissa zip

The Ballydesmond No 2 Worksheet (pdf)
3rd Finger Double Stops (mp3)

Kevin Burke playing the Ballydesmond No. 2 (2 mins 50)  https://youtu.be/Apt2H-RGozI


Week 1 (Weds 15th January):

Level 2 Technique with Stewart

200115-NEFS_L2_Tech_Stewart zip

Level 2 Style with Melissa

The Glen Cottage Worksheet Worksheet (pdf)

Scottish interpretation of Glen Cottage Polka (starts at 0.45)  https://youtu.be/8-HTH8NgfHU

Irish interpretation of Glen Cottage Polka (starts at 2.26)  https://youtu.be/nbQbtLFYQLQ


Level 2: 2020 Block 1 – Advance Material

Level 2 Repertoire (zip file with pdf and all audio files for download): Polkas and the illusion of speed

Level 2 Tunes (pdf)

The Repertoire file and weekly zip files are compressed files which are available to download. Click the link and save the file to your computer or device, then select the downloaded folder and Extract the files. Where individual pdf files are provided, click to view, or right-click (Control click on a Mac) to download. Single mp3 files can be played in your browser (click to open in new window) and downloaded individually from there.