Level 3: 2022 Block 3
Weds 27th April – Weds 25th May
Week 5 (Weds 25th May)
No new videos. Enjoy working on the tune, harmony or chords, or exploring the extra materials in the Looking Further pdf.
Week 4 (Weds 18th May)
Maggie’s Pancakes (Stuart Morison) – with Stewart
- Maggie’s Pancakes – Harmony & Chords (pdf)
- Maggie’s Pancakes – Looking Further (pdf) (notation for the tune an octave lower, and other tunes referred to in the video)
Maggie’s Pancakes (Stuart Morison) – Video Tutorials
Week 3 (Weds 11th May)
Maggie’s Pancakes (Stuart Morison) – Video Tutorials
Week 2 (Weds 4th May)
Maggie’s Pancakes (Stuart Morison) – Video Tutorials
Week 1 (Weds 27th April)
Maggie’s Pancakes (Stuart Morison) – with Stewart
- Maggie’s Pancakes (pdf)
- Maggie’s Pancakes – Technical Preparation (pdf)
- Maggie’s Pancakes – Harmony & Chords (pdf)
Audio files
Zip File of all pdfs and audio files for download
Maggie’s Pancakes – Video Tutorials
There is a sheet of NEFS Video Tips with extra keyboard shortcuts for navigating in YouTube videos.