Sunday Session
- Sunday 25th July, 17:00 – 18:30
Link to VSS 2021 Zoom Playlist
You can view the pdf online in a browser window by clicking the image or link above. If you wish, you can use your browser settings to download and print it from there.
- This will be an inclusive session encouraging as much participation as possible.
- Do look at the online session experience as an opportunity for you to play a tune one-on-one with each of the tutors.
- Notation is provided for use if helpful – please feel free not to use it.
- N.B. the notation is only a guide – the tunes as played may well vary from the dots.
- Chord suggestions are provided but please don’t feel constrained by them. Be at liberty to make up your own if you are playing chords on the fiddle or any other instrument.
- Material will be played at a steady tempo – under dance tempo.
- Tunes will be played at least three times.
Tune names (in no particular order!)
- Harlequin Air
- Jacob
- Maison de Glace
- Waltz for Polle
- Newcastle
- Old Tom of Oxford
- Three Around Three
- The Moon and Seven Stars
- Morgan Rattler
- The Rolling Waves
- Ger the Rigger
- Duchess of Devonshire
- Andet Brudestykke
- Femskaft
- Sonny’s Mazurka
- Jenny Dang the Weaver
- Elsey’s Waltz
- Rusty Gulley
- Reed House Rant
- The Southwind
- A Helping Hand (the Big Tune)