NEFS 2021 Block 3 Booking Form

Virtual NEFS 2021 Block 3 – Online Resources with optional Live Teaching

Weds 21st April to Weds 19th May, 2021

Please use the form below to book a place for the next block of virtual classes at North East Fiddle School. New resources will be added to the course web page each Wednesday and will be available for as long as you need them.

Video Tutorials are provided to teach new tunes and techniques to players at Level 2 and Level 3 standard (see the Ability Level Guide for help with levels) but all tunes are available to all participants. There will be two tunes for each level, one will be aimed at the entry standard for that level, and one will be more challenging. Our tutors, Stewart Hardy and Melissa Whitehead, will teach one tune each to both levels. This will allow participants more time to get deeper into the tune and the techniques without rushing through them.

Fiddle Practice Calls will be held on Zoom on each Wednesday evening from 7.00 – 7.40 pm including a ‘Technical nugget’. These are a chance to play along with a tutor-led practice session, giving you 30 minutes of fiddle practice and ideas to take away for your own practice. These are an optional extra and aren’t integral to learning the tunes on the course. There is also a Tune Surgery question and answer event which is held from Week 2 onwards at 6.45 pm (before the Fiddle Practice Call) to address any questions raised from the video tutorials. Signing up at this rate includes an invitation to the NEFS Block 3 Social event on Zoom, on Weds 26th May 7.00 – 8.30 pm where we will play through the video tutorial tunes together, and a selection of the Live Teaching tunes and some from our Big Tunes list. A recording of every call will be available on YouTube, and is included in the £47 fee for the 5 week block.

There is an additional, optional Live Teaching element to the course this block. This will be on a Wednesday evening following the Fiddle Practice Call, running from 7.50 – 8.30 pm for the 5 weeks. This event will focus on Core Repertoire using fundamental fiddle techniques, and will be accessible to both Level 2 and 3 players. This will include revision of the tunes previously taught with full resources and recordings of the calls provided for those new to the Live Teaching element. There will also be new tunes to add to your core repertoire, taught be ear with full supporting resources available. In Week 5, we will begin by playing through the video tutorial tunes taught in this block, before playing through more of the Live Teaching repertoire. The additional cost of this event is £12 for the block and is only available as an add-on to the standard Online Block (total cost £59). Recordings of the Live Teaching calls will be available each week if you miss one, have technical difficulties, or prefer to work from YouTube and not Zoom.

All course materials are provided via a password protected webpage. Worksheets (pdf files) and audio files (mp3 files) are available to view/listen online or download. Video tutorials and Recordings of live calls are provided as links to unlisted YouTube videos.

Registration for 2021 Block 1 including the Live Teaching element is £59 per person. Without the Live Teaching, the cost is £47 per person. Please complete the Block 3 Booking Form below and purchase your place through the Shop. Payment can be made by bank transfer, cheque or PayPal. Details will be provided once your online booking has been received.

Booking Form

I would like to book onto: *
Please use the website Shop to pay for your course by Bank Transfer, Cheque or PayPal.
I agree that North East Fiddle School may: (please check all that apply) *

Once you have submitted your Booking Form, you can pay online via PayPal or receive bank transfer or cheque payment details by selecting your preferred product:

Pay Online Now: NEFS 2021 Block 3 Online with Live Teaching (£59) 

or without the Live Teaching event:

Pay Online Now: NEFS 2021 Block 3 Online (£47)

If you’d like to pay by Bank Transfer or Cheque, use the above links, click ‘Add to Cart’ and then ‘Checkout’ and select either of those options. Details for bank transfers and for sending cheques are shown on the Order Complete page, and will also be emailed to you on completion of your order.

If you would like any further information or help with your booking, please get in touch.