VSS2021 Play-along in Harmony

Play-along in Harmony with Stewart

  • Friday 23rd July, 19:30 – 21:00

Zoom Call Recording

Link to VSS 2021 Zoom Playlist

To be able to jump to specific tunes in this video, click “Watch on YouTube” (those words on the embedded video image, or the title) and then find the full Description (click “Show More” under the video title and channel name). Use the timestamps by each tune name to jump to that point in the video.


Some notes from Stewart:

  • This will be an inclusive session encouraging as much participation as possible.
  • Notation is provided to give those who struggle by ear but who can read music a chance to join in – please feel free not to use it.
  • Audio is provided to give non-readers an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the tunes likely to be e played and to provide a resource both for learning the tunes and for playing harmonies against them.
  • N.B. the notation is only a guide – the tunes as played may well vary from the dots.
  • Harmony lines are provided for those readers who are inexperienced in creating their own harmonies, but the online environment is perfect for trying out your own ideas without fear of clashing with anything else being played.
  • Chord suggestions are provided for those readers who are inexperienced in creating their own chordal accompaniments, or who might find them helpful for creating their own harmonies. Once again, however, the online environment is perfect for trying out your own ideas without fear of clashing with anything else being played.
  • Material will be played at a steady tempo – under dance tempo.
  • Tunes will generally be played five times: three times through the melody to begin so that those playing by ear to have a good chance at picking up the tune, and so that partcipants have ample opportunity to try harmony lines against it; once through a harmony line for participants to experience playing a tune with a harmony behind it; once through the melody to round things off.

Tune names (in alphabetical order)

Click the tune name below for the notation of the individual tune, and the Audio link to listen to the recording. These will open in a new browser window. If you wish, you can use your browser settings to download and/or print from there. Zip files for both notation and audio files are available to download at the end of the table.

The audio files provided are generally played at full speed, whereas in the session the tunes will be taken much more steadily.

Tune name (Notation pdf)Audio (mp3)
All in a Garden GreenAudio
Bonny KateAudio
Calum’s WaltzAudio
The Dark IslandAudio
Dick’s MaggotAudio
Emma från FinlandAudio
För EliseAudio
Gamekeeper’s Cottage Audio
Lucy Farr’s BarndanceAudio
Maison de GlaceAudio
Maja’s WaltzAudio
Moon and Seven StarsAudio
The OspreyAudio
Oyster GirlAudio
The Sailor’s WifeAudio
Shuter’s HornpipeAudio
St Martin’sAudio
Stay-at-Home JigAudio
Zip file of all Audio