Virtual Winter Workout

NEFS Virtual Winter Workout 2023

Thank you all so much!

We had a fantastic time at the Virtual Winter Workout – so many fabulous tunes in the sessions, workshops & tutorials taught by Kevin, Grace, Stewart and Melissa.

Keep in touch with NEFS for details of our regular teaching and any special events!

Saturday 7th January, 2023
9.30 am – 10.00 pm

Join us for our first NEFS Virtual Winter Workout – a day of fully-online fiddle tuition on Zoom.

There will be live Zoom fiddle workshops, fiddle technique sessions, play-along tune sessions with spots from our tutors, plus a chat event and video tutorials. Events will be aimed at all abilities of fiddle player from competent beginner through to advanced, led by guest tutors Kevin Lees and Grace Smith, alongside our regular tutor Stewart Hardy for the weekend, and an exclusive video tutorial from Melissa Whitehead.

Plenty of breaks are scheduled, drop in and out of the workshops as you choose during the day, and there are some chat events to break up the day! Call recordings of the workshops will be available after the event if you miss anything on the day.

The evening before, Friday 6th January, Stewart will host an evening play-along session for all instruments, with harmony lines and chord suggestions provided. This is available as a separate event, as well as part of the Virtual Winter Workout.

Standard Price: £60
Includes all workshops on Saturday (Fiddle Practice, Tune workshops with Kevin, Grace and Stewart (with audio and notation provided in advance), a technical tips and tutor chat event, a session with tutor spots and a video tutorial from Melissa), plus the Friday evening Play-along in Harmony session with Stewart. All events will be recorded and available as videos to catch up with at a later date.

Friend of VWW: add a donation
We receive no funding and rely on the support and generosity of our lovely participants. If you are able to, please support this event and our wonderful tutors by adding a donation to you ticket price on the checkout page before you pay. Any amount, however small, is always appreciated – thank you!

Pay Less: £55
If you need to play less for any reason, select this product for access to all the events, no questions asked.

Friday Evening Play-along Session: £20
If you can’t join us for the full VWW, but would like to play tunes in harmony with Stewart on the Friday evening, you can purchase this as a stand-alone event. All instruments welcome and alternative notation for transposing instruments or in other clefs can be provided with enough notice. Audio and notation are provided in advance, with suggestions for harmonies and chords. Included with this is access to the Saturday evening Session with Tutor Spots, so everyone can join us to finish off the VWW together.